Turion's blog

What is wrong with people?

Random thoughts and musings...

  • That Harry Browne quote, funny thing, I remembered it as If you're involved with the right people, the word compromise shouldn't even be in your vocabulary. I'm sure he wouldn't mind that wording, either. Anyhow, trying compromise just makes you realize that whenever you thought you weren't compromising enough, you were probably compromising too much already.
  • Silver spoons and gold watches: more second-handers in action.
  • Should we run our lives according to what petty thieves do? Not only the state, but bike thieves and the like?
  • There's two thing I thought of that religion has a good explanation for: clothes and languages. Both being intended as punishment. But then, wasn't some Jewish guy supposed to have died and redeemed all of Mankind's sins? So I mean, come on, don't you guys think we've been punished enough? Maybe, maybe, you could, like, stop perpetuating those two punishments? I mean come on guys, after a few thousand years, I'm sure the guy's forgiven you.

    And even if we assume the rightness of keeping up with the clothes punishment, we invented pajamas, so what's supposed to be the fun with all the bow ties? I don't get it.

    And I mean, coding multi-language CMSes is fun, but I mean come on, don't you think we've wasted enough ink and paper and human time on translations and shit?

    Maybe, just maybe, we could like, all switch to English? Oh no, that would be too easy. Let's invent Esperanto or something and keep wasting time. It's not like we had any more useful stuff to spend it on, now is it?


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