Turion's blog

What is the meaning of life?

Whatever you think it is, rethink it: any end I can think of so far can be rephrased as either drugs, or spiritual. Being successful, rich, in love, happy, etc? Mere chemical or biological or whatever reaction. Whether it's due to genetic programming or the Matrix, what's the difference? Having kids? Being proud of them? Not disappearing with your death? Same thing. If you're dead, by definition you can't experience what's happening. Therefore, you don't give a shit. If you do, what you do care about is the feeling that the thought of the future gives you, right here, right now. Drugs, again.

What's with the spiritual then? Well, that's what would be interesting. Most things that try to pass on as such are actually drugs related goals too.


Sorry. I'm too lazy to make it work under IE. Get Firefox or something.