Turion's blog


Hoppe :

any political philosophy that is not construed as a theory of property rights fails entirely in its own objective and thus must be discarded from the outset as praxeologically meaningless

La traduction de FG :

toute philosophie politique qui n'est pas conçue comme une théorie des Droits de propriété passe complètement à côté de son objet et doit être rejetée d'emblée comme un verbiage dépourvu de sens pour une théorie de l'action

Similarly, I submit that any theories regarding psychology or male-female interactions that are not grounded in evolutionary psychology can be discarded from the outset as utterly meaningless blabber. Including of course Ayn Rand's theories on that particular topic. There isn't much point in discussing the contents of said blabber, although EP and its extension game will give you insight into why such blabber is uttered.


Sorry. I'm too lazy to make it work under IE. Get Firefox or something.