Turion's blog

Their old stuff was better

[scottish accent]

- Well at one point you've got it, then you lose it, then it's gone forever.
- Some of his stuff's not bad.
- No, but it's not great either is it? And in your heart you know that although it sounds all right, it's actually just shite.
-So we all get old, we cannae hack it any more and that's it? That's your theory?
- Yeah, beautifully fucking illustrated!

[/scottish accent]

(Sick Boy / Mark Renton dialogue, Trainspotting)

After Moby, Orb, Asian Dub Foundation, some more examples:

  • Latest and last Orbital (except the first track, which is great)
  • Prodigy, AONO
  • Mouse On Mars, Idiology


Sorry. I'm too lazy to make it work under IE. Get Firefox or something.