Turion's blog

The corporate world

MIKE: All right, it's 808 right down there. Meanwhile, I'll get you the Pensky file, you can start working on that.
GEORGE: Yes, yes of course. The Pensky file. Ho ho, can't wait to sink my teeth into that. Wow that Pensky. Well we'll straighten him out.
(George walks into his office. He sets down his briefcase and coat and sits down. He quickly flips through the folder, then drops the folder on his desk with a big thud.)
(Camera shot at the clock on his wall. The clock says 9:00.)
(A moment later, the clock flips to 5:00.)
(George puts the folder in his briefcase. He picks up the briefcase and his coat and he walks out.)
JERRY: So what did you do there all day?
GEORGE: They gave me the Pensky file.
[At George's office.]
(George is "playing the drums" on his desk. He is tapping his desk with pencils.)
(buzzer on the phone)
SECRETARY: (over the speaker) Mr. Costanza, Mr. Pensky is here to see you.
GEORGE: Mr. Pensky? Of the Pensky file?
(Pensky enters.)
PENSKY: Costanza? Arthur Pensky.
GEORGE: Mr. Pensky. I was just working on your file. I was transferring the contents of the file into this flexible accordion-style folder.
PENSKY: Where's Tuttle?
GEORGE: He's on vacation.
PENSKY: He was on vacation the last time I dropped by. Give me my file. (looks through the file) Looks like you put a lot of work into this.


Sorry. I'm too lazy to make it work under IE. Get Firefox or something.