Turion's blog

Save the world

The problem is IQ.

I mean, imagine an anarchist were to blow up the government and tax offices, or something. With the current reign of idiots, they'd probably organize a collection to rebuild it. Nobel Prize and idiot Krugman would probably applaud, for the wrong reasons.

Now, anarcho-capitalists never wanted to win through violence, but through spread of ideas. But the ideas are there. Bastiat, Mises etc. Most of the theory exists. Sure, it can be improved in some areas (and I've contributed my share). But the main issue is the idiots not getting it.

The problem is idiots. Is the average IQ likely to improve? Hardly. Natural selection has all but disappeared. Sexual selection favors either assholes idiots, or smart gamers. But smart gamers want sex, not kids. Social Darwinism favors the poor and incompetent (and ugly), not the rich and able. Dysgenics, not eugenics, is what we have.

Solution? If you're an idiot, you're not reading this blog. If you are, get a vasectomy.

If you're not an idiot, donate your semen. Learn game and breed.


Sorry. I'm too lazy to make it work under IE. Get Firefox or something.