Turion's blog

Lake parade

Possibly one of the worst places to game, at least in the evening. Basically the whole gig amounts to give girls a "dress like a slut" social permission, valid for the day. Result? From what I heard, easy to kiss-close early in the day, if that's your thing. But then, even 5s get cat calls and approaches from dozens of AFCs by the end of the day, and build up bitch shields that wouldn't shame a 9. Try to get through that - if you care to.


Lake parade

Acheté 5 chickenburger. Mangé 3. Revendu un 2.15. Offert un à une demoiselle qui m'avait abordé pour me promulguer des conseils diététiques.

Par contre, je crois que j'ai un peu abusé avec le Cuba Libre. Pas au niveau de l'alcool, non, mais le coca, mal au bide encore ce soir.


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